I. Login

You could visit www.greeks.live/blocktrade (same as before) or blocktrade.greeks.live to log into blocktrade system.

Switch the language in upper right conner through the globe menu, as the below screenshot shown.


Nickname must be filled, and it is only for distinction and will not be visible to others.

We support either OAuth login method (Deribit main account name and password) or API login method. 👇


1⃣️ API Key login

Fill in with your nickname, API Key and API secret.

2⃣️ Oauth login

Fill in the nickname and click Authorize via Deribit account.

As market makers require us to turn off account read function, we could not tell which main/sub account is log into in our system. Thus we restrict only main account could be logged into our system through OAuth.



II. Interface

After logging in, you will see the following information from top to bottom.


On the top, you can switch between BTC and ETH, switch the language and see your nickname.

And there are an inquiry list (for regular traders or takers) and a quote list (for market makers).

In our system, whoever quotes price would be viewed as a maker, and whoever inquires and takes price would be viewed as a taker.